
Safety First: A Journey to Developing a Workplace Violence Prevention Program


Workplace violence is a highly complex issue, and one that is top-of-mind for healthcare organizations as they look to improve safety for all staff and patients. Many organizations have developed workplace violence prevention programs to create awareness, encourage reporting and to show staff that their safety is a priority.
Learn about North Shore Medical Center’s journey to create awareness and prevent workplace violence, including:

  • How they developed a robust workplace violence program to capture the incidents taking place in their organization
  • Their ongoing journey to improve safety processes at their organization
  •  How the incident data is being utilized throughout the enterprise


Carrie Arrieta
Risk Manager
North Shore Medical Center 

Carrie Arrieta is a Risk Manager at North Shore Medical Center, a 396 bed acute care medical and psychiatric facility, part of Partners Healthcare.  Carrie has worked for NSMC in Risk Management since 2008, focusing on patient safety, risk management and quality improvement.  She manages a facility-wide risk program, working collaboratively with physicians, clinical staff and other key stakeholders in advising and supporting on all risk management issues. Carrie is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management and received her bachelor degree from the University of Michigan and a technical degree from Universidad de Costa Rica, San José. 

Date: Wednesday, January 24th, 2018
Time: 1pm - 2pm EST